Canadian Board of Examiners
Certification Program
4.0 The Board
The Board shall be composed of CBET(C), or cdt, certified individuals that are representative of the membership in the geographical regions/provinces across Canada. Note that a number of Certified Dialysis Perfusionists (CDP), that were certified under a now non-existent organization, are members of the cdt group and as such are eligible to sit on the Board to represent the cdt group. The Board will consist of at least nine (9) members, at least five (5) CBET(C), or cdt/CDP, certified individuals (both groups must be represented), one (1) Certified Clinical Engineer (CCE), and the balance may be advisors and other supporting roles.
Each member shall hold tenure for three (3) years in a staged order to maintain a balance of experienced board members, unless it is deemed by The Board to maintain consistent membership for longer tenure. Any certified member may petition The Board in his/her name or may suggest another candidate for membership. Each candidate must submit a resume or curriculum vitae to the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall make copies of the resume or curriculum vitae available to each board member prior to a board membership election. Board members are selected by a majority vote of the existing Board members.
A co-chair model shall be applied to the chairmanship of the Board. One co-chair will represent the dialysis members and the other co-chair will represent the BMET members, each duly elected by, and from, the Board members representing each discipline.
The Co-Chairpersons shall be responsible for:
Reporting all Board related activities to the membership and to International Certification Commission (ICC) in the form of a yearly report.
Liaison between The Board and the International Certification Commission (ICC).
Representing The Board at meetings of the International Certification Commission (ICC) yearly.
Chairing all board related meetings.
Approving expenditures submitted by the treasurer that have been discussed as reasonable expenses to manage the operation of The Board (i.e. secretarial fees, telephone, internet, bank fees, supplies, postage, etc…).
Supporting the appeals processes.
Undertaking any of the other roles and responsibilities in the absence of a board member.
Promoting certification.
A Board Member shall be responsible for:
Attending meetings of The Board.
Participating in the preparation of examination materials and assessment tools as required.
Participating in the preparation of supplementary examination materials and assessment tools as required.
Participating in the preparation of study guide materials as required.
Evaluating applications from candidates for certification as required.
Grading examinations, supplementary examinations and other assessment tools as required.
Preparing information or resource material for the internet page.
Providing recommendations on governance structure, polices, procedures and board membership.
Providing recommendations related to member fees, examination fees, yearly budgets, and other proposed financial decisions.
Promoting certification.
Undertaking any of the other roles and responsibilities in the absence of the chairperson, advisor, secretariat or treasurer.
A Senior Board Member (there can be more than one) is an appointed, voting, member of The Board, who is a Certified Biomedical Engineering or Dialysis Technologist or Technician (CBET(C), cdt/CDP) and who has been a long standing member of The Board. This appointment is reviewed annually and tenure could be longer than other Board members. The role is to ensure that standards are maintained and that there is some consistency with the way the Board operates. These established members (typically past board chairpersons) are called upon to review proposed changes in policy and procedure (developed by Board Members) to ensure that the direction of the programme is consistent with its aims.
Senior Board Members consult with the Board in their area of expertise, attend and participate in meetings, and may be invited to participate in other Board matters. They are not normally involved in the process of assessing candidates for the examinations.
The Senior Board Members shall be responsible for:
Attending meetings of The Board.
Promoting certification.
Providing recommendations on governance structure, polices, procedures and board membership.
Providing recommendations related to member fees, examination fees, yearly budgets, and other proposed financial decisions.
Undertaking any of the other roles and responsibilities in the absence of the chairperson, board members, advisor, secretariat or treasurer.
The Secretariat shall be responsible for:
Acting as a central point for verbal/written communications related to inquires, general communications, and document distribution (i.e. Study Guides, Exams, Applications, and Reference Forms).
Coordinating the application and certification process.
Maintaining the database of the membership and membership status.
Processing fees and general membership support.
Other mutually agreed upon duties as requested by The Board.
The treasurer shall be responsible for:
Providing accounting and book keeping services.
Developing yearly budgets.
Other mutually agreed upon duties as requested by The Board.
Financial accountability for each certification stream will be maintained seperately.
The Clinical Engineer Advisor is a non-voting appointed member of The
Board that is a Certified Clinical Engineer (CCE). It is not necessary
that this individual be a CBET, or cdt. This appointment is reviewed
annually and tenure could be longer than other Board members.
This advisor consults with the Board in their area of expertise, attends and participates in meetings, and may be invited to participate in other Board matters. They are not normally involved in the process of assessing candidates for the examinations.
The Education Advisor is a non-voting appointed member of The Board that
is preferably a Certified
Biomedical Engineering Technologist or Technician (CBET(C)) or a
Certified Clinical Engineering (CCE) and/or
a Certified Dialysis Technologist or Technician (cdt or CDP) and is a
professional educator for a community
college or university. This appointment is reviewed annually and tenure
could be longer than other Board
This advisor consults with the Board in their area of expertise, attends
and participates in meetings, and may be invited to participate in other
Board matters. They are not normally involved in the process of
assessing candidates for the examinations.
Internet Resources and Communications
The Internet Resources and Communications Advisor is a non-voting
appointed member of The Board that is preferably a Certified Biomedical
Engineering Technologist or Technician (CBET(C)). This appointment is
reviewed annually and tenure could be longer than other Board members.
The role includes the management and up keep of the web page for
Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering and
Dialysis Technologists and
Technicians with content as approved by The Board.
This advisor consults with the Board in their area of expertise, attends
and participates in meetings, and may be invited to participate in other
Board matters. They are not normally involved in the process of
assessing candidates for the examinations.
A random board member will be selected, on a yearly basis, to review and
audit the financial transactions of The Board. The board member will be
provided with account summaries, and transaction summaries. The board
member can request any specific transaction details and will be provided
the supporting document regarding the transaction approval and account
summary related that specific transaction. The board member will provide
a report of the findings to The Board during the annual meeting.