December 2018:
The Canadian Biomedical Engineering community lost one of its leading members with the sudden passing of Larry Boyce on December 4, 2018. Larry was a leader and long-time supporter of Biomedical Engineering in Canada. He was invloved back in 1981 with the formation of the Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians where he served on the first Board and as the Co-Chair (Biomed) from 2011 to 2018. Larry was instrumental in developing the Biomedical Technology Program at Fanshawe College where he was a professor from 1986 to 2003. Larry retired from Sodexo Canada Ltd., as the National Director of Clinical Technology Management. During his long career Larry received serveral awards including the Outstanding Canadian BMET Award from CMBES and was a mentor and friend to many as well as a tireless advocate for establishing and maintaing high standards in the Biomedical Engineering field.
The Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering and Dialysis Technologists and Technicians
January 2015:
have learned recently that the International Certification Commission (ICC) has
been replaced by the AAMI Credentials Institute (ACI) as of Jan.1, 2015. You
will no doubt have many questions. At the moment we know two things for
certain, one, Certification will continue in Canada and two, we have been
assured that any Canadian credential in good standing will be transferred to
the ACI on January 1, 2015.
have modified our membership cards and certificates to remove any reference to
the ICC; all renewing members will receive the new card and new certifications
will receive the new certificate.
the next few months, the Board will be reviewing our documentation, processes,
and establishing a dialogue with the new ACI. We will provide an update of our
progress and any changes that are required.
Boyce, CET, CBET(c)
Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering
Dialysis Technologists and Technicians
Parikh Co-Chair, Dialysis
Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering
Dialysis Technologists and Technicians
October 2014: The Board of Examiners awarded Derek Uttley Emeritus status in recognition for his long contributions to both the Biomedical Engineering field and support to the Canadian Board of Examiners.
January 2012: The Board would like to welcome Brian Graham CET, CBET(C) as our new Secretariat & Treasurer and offer Derek Uttley, CET, CBET(C) our sincere gratitude for the contribution and dedication to the success of the Board over his many years of service. Welcome aboard Brian and Best Wishes Derek. |
June 2011: Annual Membership
Renewal Form June 2011: Annual Letter from the Co-Chair June 2011: Dialysis Certification Program Approved by ICC On June 8 2009, at the annual meeting of the International Certification Commission (ICC) in Baltimore Maryland, a revised certification program of The Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians (BMET Board) that include a “cdt” designation for Certified Dialysis Technologists and Technicians was approved. This permitted BMET Board to recommend candidates to the ICC for dialysis certification. On the left is Richard Eliason, Chair International Certification Commission and on the Right is Murray Greenwood, Chair BMET Board.
May 2011: Biomedical Co-Chair
Announcement We are pleased to announce the addition of Larry Boyce, CET, CBET(C) as the new Biomedical Co-Chair of the Board. As one of the founding members of the Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering Technicians and Technologists, Larry returns with over 30 years experience in the Canadian Biomedical Engineering field. We welcome back Larry and look forward to moving forward with continued success. |
January 2010: Annual Letter from the Co-Chair January 2010: Annual Membership Renewal Form
June 2009: Dialysis Certification Program Approved “On June1, 2009, the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) transferred the rights, title, and interest to The Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians (BMET Board), to issue the “cdt” designation to Certified Dialysis Technologists and Technicians. OACETT and the BMET Board have always had a common goal to advance the professional status of Technicians and Technologists, and this alignment of the “cdt” designation to the BMET Board further supports this goal. The BMET Board recognizes the important role OACETT and other constituent members of the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists have in supporting specialized certification of it’s members.” On
the left is Murray Greenwood, Chair BMET Board and on the right is Sam |
April 2009: Certification Program Addition The revised Canadian Board of Examiners Certification Program, which includes requirements for the certification of Dialysis Technicians/Technologists (cdt) is now available for download. Please browse to the dialysis certification page to access the document. The document will be reviewed by the ICC for approval in June. |